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Sports Injury & Performance Chiropractic in Surrey

Helping people of all ages stay active and enjoy their athletic endeavors is our passion at Impulse Health and Wellness. Whether you’re a youth athlete, a weekend warrior, an active senior or an “occupational athlete,” we work with you to help you recover from injury, prevent future injury and optimize your performance.

Injury Recovery

Many patients begin care when they’ve been injured playing sports or in their job. These are often injuries caused by repetitive motions and our goal is to help restore proper spinal alignment to help them heal and recover as quickly as possible, as well as to improve range of motion and flexibility which may help prevent future injuries.

Injury Prevention

In addition to helping achieve improved flexibility and better range of motion, we provide exercises and sport-specific advice on how to prevent recurrences of your injuries.


Keeping your spine properly aligned helps remove interference in your nervous system—and when your nervous system works as it should, your body can work at its best and perform at a higher level in your chosen sport.

Occupational Athletes

Whether you work at a desk, doing heavy lifting, or anything in between, repetitive motions on the job carry the same risks to your body as playing sports. We’re here to help occupational athletes get better and stay better. Occupational athletes include but are not limited to workers in the police force, military, nurses, paramedics, and trade workers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of athletes do you see?

We see sports athletes of all ages, from children through seniors, who are active in sports such as hockey, golf, tennis, pickleball, soccer, basketball, skiers, cross-fitters and more.

What techniques do you use?

We tailor care to each patient’s specific needs and goals, and we offer a range of adjusting techniques. We focus primarily on manual (hands-on) adjusting methods. However, we do use other low force techniques when necessary.

Do you take X-rays?

Yes, we take X-rays (if necessary), as well as nerve scans to accurately identify the underlying cause of your pain or other symptoms.

Schedule Today

We want to get you back in the game and keep you there! Contact us today to book your first appointment.



Sports Injury & Performance Chiropractic Surrey BC | (604) 951-8959