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Pediatric Chiropractic in Surrey

At Impulse Health and Wellness, our team is passionate about helping every member of the family reach their full health potential so they can fulfill their true purpose in life. We love to start this care in childhood, to give kids the best chance to establish a firm foundation for a lifetime of optimal health.

It’s Easier to Raise Healthier Children

Often, parents wonder why kids need chiropractic care, and we tell them that it’s always easier to raise healthy children than to treat them after they have gotten sick. Kids have a very physical life, from all the growth and development they have to do in their first year, to falling down repeatedly as they learn to walk, to playing on the playground, to long term sitting at a school desk.

All of this physical development and activity results in stress on their bodies, which can cause misalignments in the spine and interference in their nervous system. Chiropractic care can help restore spinal alignment and eliminate nerve interference so they can grow, adapt and heal to the best of their body’s ability.

In addition, approximately 1 in 10 children have scoliosis, which is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Chiropractic can assess the condition and provide care to correct or manage it.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I bring my child in for chiropractic care?

We encourage parents to bring kids in for a checkup, even if they don’t see any symptoms. Often, by the time symptoms appear, a problem has been present for a long time. We can check out their spine and make recommendations accordingly.

Are pediatric adjustments different from adult adjustments?

Yes. Adjustments for children are much more gentle than adjustments for adults. For example, for infants, the pressure we use is about the same as you would use to test a tomato for ripeness.

What if my child is nervous?

We take our time to build rapport with kiddos. Once they’ve gotten over the initial trepidation, they love coming back and can’t wait to climb up on the table for their adjustment! Their visits are short and enjoyable for them.

Schedule Today

Contact us today to book your child’s first appointment. We’d love to meet you soon!



Pediatric Chiropractic Surrey BC | (604) 951-8959